List of Purposes
advice application description making medicine observationadvice
Lavender spike oil varnish - 004r
making observation advice varnish -
To remove varnish from an old panel painting that has yellowed and varnish it again - 004r
application advice varnish cleaning -
Black varnish for sword guards, metal bands for chests, etc. - 004v
making application advice observation varnish -
Iron engravers' varnish - 004v
making application advice varnish engraving -
For cages - 006v
application advice observation description embellishing glasswork -
Imitation jasper - 010r
advice observation application making imitating embellishing -
Underlayer for gold leaf on parchment or paper - 010v
advice application painting gilding -
For cleaning gold leaf applied to iron - 010v
advice gilding -
Paper - 012r
observation advice mold making casting -
Plaster - 012r
observation advice mold making casting -
Planting trees - 038v
advice observation -
Aqua fortis - 040v
advice observation -
Sand - 041r
making observation advice -
Founder - 042r
making advice observation -
Canvas for oil painting without breaking - 042v
advice making -
Casting sand - 042v
advice observation -
Mericoton and pavis - 043r
advice -
Arquebusier - 043v
advice observation -
Hail shot for the arquebus - 043v
advice -
Lacquer - 044r
application advice -
Excellent water against the pest by the Master of Montorsin - 044v
making advice -
White soporific oil - 044v
making advice -
Stucco - 044v
application advice -
Loading an arquebus - 045v
observation advice -
Oil of sulfur for the teeth - 046r
advice application whitening -
Wheat oil - 046r
advice application -
Against cold gouts - 046r
advice -
Tree flowers - 046r
advice -
Oil of sulfur for the writer - 046v
advice application cleaning -
Shoemaker - 046v
advice application tanning -
Erasing a letter - 046v
advice application erasing -
Keeping birds and animals - 048r
advice keeping birds and animals -
Cutters of printing plates - 051r
advice -
To lead a horse - 054v
advice -
Boots of hay - 054v
advice making -
To disguise a horse - 054v
application advice -
Dipping for a bullet that will reach far away and will compromise the healing - 055r
advice -
Against wounds - 055r
advice -
Damascus steel - 055v
advice -
For casting - 055v
advice making casting -
Azure - 059r
observation advice -
Painting weapons - 059v
advice observation -
Painting crepe - 059v
advice painting -
Folds in clothing - 059v
advice observation -
Siccatives - 059v
advice observation -
Double layers - 059v
advice -
Grinding colors - 061v
advice making color -
Tin for casting - 079v
advice casting -
Earth for moulding - 081r
advice molding -
Sand - 018v
advice sandmold making -
Sand - 081v
advice sandmold making -
Cast of the frame - 081v
advice casting -
Casting lead in lead - 082v
advice casting -
Sand - 082v
advice sand making -
Molding one part in relief and one hollow side - 083v
advice molding -
Sand - 084r
making advice sandmold making -
Eau Magistra - 084v
advice making a liquid binder for casting sand -
Sand, for the most excellent lead of all, for large and small reliefs - 084v
making advice sand making -
Glue - 085r
advice glue making -
Mortars - 085v
advice tool making -
Sand from a mine - 085v
advice sand making -
Sand Experiments - 085v
making advice casting -
Excellent sand for lead, tin and copper - 086v
making advice sandmold making -
Sand from sand pit from Toulouse - 087v
making advice sandmold making -
Enamels - 103v
observation advice enameling -
Goldsmith - 104v
making advice metalworking -
Drying colors - 105r
making advice colormaking -
Catching nightingales - 105v
observation advice making catching animals -
Nightingale - 105v
observation making advice keeping animals -
Forge bellows - 109r
making advice -
Training a dog - 131r
advice -
Secret for soldering small works made of gold and silver -
advice making soldering -
Mercury in molds, for cleaning - 158r
making advice cleaning mold -
Large molds - 158v
advice casting -
Chasing tool - 159r
advice representation -
Cleaning files - 159v
advice cleaning -
Unmixed plaster - 159v
advice plaster making -
Presses for large moulds - 160r
making advice making large presses -
Catching passerines - p160v
advice catching -
Catching birds - 160v
making advice catching birds -
Crocum ferri - 161v
making advice colormaking -
Rotten wood - 162r
advice casting -
Peach trees - 162v
advice agriculture -
Molds of things which have not been pelted - 162v
making advice molding -
Repairing burrs - 164r
advice repair -
Keeping animals - 165v
advice molding animals -
Reducing a round form into a hollow one - 169v
making advice molding -
Iron clamps - 170r
advice using iron clamps -
Against plague - 170v
advice medicinal -
To preserve oneself - 170v
advice medicinal
To remove varnish from an old panel painting that has yellowed and varnish it again - 004r
application advice varnish cleaning -
Black varnish for sword guards, metal bands for chests, etc. - 004v
making application advice observation varnish -
Black varnish without fire, without disassembling harnesses or removing metal bands from chests - 004v
making application observation varnish -
Iron engravers' varnish - 004v
making application advice varnish engraving -
For bronzing in yellow and white - 005v
making application embellishing -
To lay down and set burnished gold and give it a red or green or blue hue - 006r
observation application embellishing gilding -
For cages - 006v
application advice observation description embellishing glasswork -
To gild with gold color and tinsel - 007r
making observation application embellishing -
To color stamped ornaments for trunks - 007r
making application embellishment stamping -
Fish glue or usblac and mouth glue - 007r
making description application -
To give the color of all kind of metals and woods and other things - 007v
making application imitation -
To relieve the pain of g{out} - 007v
making application medicine -
Imitation jasper - 010r
advice observation application making imitating embellishing -
Underlayer for gold leaf on parchment or paper - 010v
advice application painting gilding -
Applying the color of Damascene steel on knives - 011v
application embellishing -
Getting rid of red eyes or black eyes - 011v
application cosmetic -
Ears - 015v
observation application medicinal -
Enamel - 039v
application observation -
Colors for illumination on glass - 039v
application observation -
Tracing a history on glass - 039v
making application observation -
Cross of the commanders of Malta - 040v
observation application -
White bronzing - 043r
application observation -
Lacquer - 044r
application advice -
Stucco - 044v
application advice -
Oil of sulfur for the teeth - 046r
advice application whitening -
Wheat oil - 046r
advice application -
Oil of sulfur for the writer - 046v
advice application cleaning -
Shoemaker - 046v
advice application tanning -
Erasing a letter - 046v
advice application erasing -
Grain of lead - 049v
application -
To disguise a horse - 054v
application advice -
Recipe for coloring all wood - 075v
application embellishing -
Antidote against the smoke of metals - 079v
application therapeutics -
Stretching a canvas portrait - 165r
application stretching canvas -
Lute - 165v
application casting -
Attaching a fly wing or something similar - 165v
application using glue for delicate objects -
Softening gold - 166v
application softening
For cages - 006v
application advice observation description embellishing glasswork -
Fish glue or usblac and mouth glue - 007r
making description application -
Founder - 048r
description -
Perfume-makers - 163r
description observation perfume making -
Receipts and dues for the heirs of late Sr. Ouvryer - 170v
description balance keeping
Sapphire - 002v
making imitation gem -
Thick varnish for floorboards - 003r
making varnish for floorboards -
Lavender spike oil varnish - 004r
making observation advice varnish -
Black varnish for sword guards, metal bands for chests, etc. - 004v
making application advice observation varnish -
Black varnish without fire, without disassembling harnesses or removing metal bands from chests - 004v
making application observation varnish -
Iron engravers' varnish - 004v
making application advice varnish engraving -
For bronzing in yellow and white - 005v
making application embellishing -
For stamped ornaments used for embellishing and inserting into or covering the edges of mirrors, the tops of chests, or the friezes of bed valances - 006v
making etching metalwork stamping -
To gild with gold color and tinsel - 007r
making observation application embellishing -
To color stamped ornaments for trunks - 007r
making application embellishment stamping -
Fish glue or usblac and mouth glue - 007r
making description application -
To give the color of all kind of metals and woods and other things - 007v
making application imitation -
Against windy colic - 007v
making medicine -
To relieve the pain of g{out} - 007v
making application medicine -
Gold lettering on paper - 008r
making gilding -
To explode grenades and give force to fireworks - 008r
making explosives military -
Tempering bullets to pierce bullet-proof armor - 008r
making military -
Perfect amalgam - 008v
making metalwork -
Imitation jasper - 010r
advice observation application making imitating embellishing -
Powder for hourglasses - 010r
making -
For painting in oil on taffeta without the oil running - 010v
making observation painting -
Moulding stucco promptly - 012v
making observation molding casting -
To whiten enilanroc - 012v
making observation polishing engraving -
To dye - 013r
making observation dyeing -
Damask Cloth - 015r
making dyeing -
Casting metals - 015r
making observation casting -
Black color for dyeing - 038v
making -
Dyers’ woad - 039r
observation making -
Tracing a history on glass - 039v
making application observation -
Aqua fortis - 040r
making -
Vinegar - 040r
making observation -
Sand - 041r
making observation advice -
Founder - 042r
making advice observation -
Casting in plaster - 042r
making -
Canvas for oil painting without breaking - 042v
advice making -
Horsehair sieves - 044v
observation making -
Excellent water against the pest by the Master of Montorsin - 044v
making advice -
White soporific oil - 044v
making advice -
Lead casting - 049r
making lead casting -
Sand for lead casting - 049r
making making sand for lead casting -
Soldering a vise - 053r
making soldering -
Lead casting - 053r
making casting -
Molding from paper - 053r
making molding -
Boots of hay - 054v
advice making -
To kill someone with a horrible poison spread on a board over which the person walks or on stirrups - 055r
making poisoning -
For casting - 055v
advice making casting -
Varnish for tempera - 056r
making varnishing -
Skin colors - 061r
making color making -
Making things round - 061r
making painting -
To make varnish - 074r
making varnish making -
Green gum - 074v
making embellishing -
Red gum - 075r
making gum making -
Bronze of copper - 075r
making embellishing -
Ground gold - 075r
making embellishing -
Making grey wood - 075v
making embellishing -
Gilding wood - 075v
making embellishing -
Making Wood Green - 076r
making embellishing -
Making Wood Blue - 076r
making embellishing -
To make a very beautiful and inexpensive golden color - 076v
making colormaking -
For white gommiche - 076v
making embellishing -
Medicine of orientals against all maladies - 077r
making therapeutics -
Fatty earth - 077r
making molding -
Recipe for making bronze and many kind of varnishes - 077r
making varnish making -
Another varnish - 077v
making varnish making -
Another varnish - 077v
making varnish making -
Another varnish - 078r
making varnish making -
To make green wood - 078r
making embellishing -
To make it bronze - 078v
making embellishing -
Mading gray wood - 079r
making embellishing -
Making water against illness of the eyes - 079r
making therapeutics -
Making varnish - 079v
making embellishing -
Ways of bronze casting - 082v
making casting -
Sand for lead - 083r
making sand making -
Other sand - 083r
making sandmold making -
Other sand - 083r
making sand making -
Excellent sand - 083r
making sandmold making -
Impromptu mask - 084r
making mask making -
Magistry - 084r
making making a liquid binder for casting sand -
Sand - 084r
making advice sandmold making -
Sand, for the most excellent lead of all, for large and small reliefs - 084v
making advice sand making -
Green varnish for copper medals - 085r
making varnish making -
Sand Experiments - 085v
making advice casting -
Excellent sand for lead, tin and copper - 086v
making advice sandmold making -
Sand from sand pit from Toulouse - 087v
making advice sandmold making -
For the furnace - 102r
making colchos -
Royal cement - 102r
making colchos -
Glass vessel - 102r
making colchos -
Painting on crystal or glass - 102v
making observation painting -
Against dog's gall. - 103r
observation making -
Earwax - 103v
making observation experimentation -
Corroding and dissolving absolutely pure gold - 104r
making metalworking -
Engraving on iron - 104r
making metalworking -
How to silver plate copper and latten - 104r
making metalworking -
Enameling a carnelian - 104r
making enameling -
Against dogs' mange - 104v
making medicine -
For casting - 104v
making casting -
Goldsmith - 104v
making advice metalworking -
Spinet playing by itself - 104v
making musical instrument-making -
Drying colors - 105r
making advice colormaking -
Fountain - 105v
observation making fountain making -
Catching nightingales - 105v
observation advice making catching animals -
Nightingale - 105v
observation making advice keeping animals -
To cast - 106r
making observation casting -
Making gold run for casting - 106r
making casting metalworking -
Casting in gold - 106v
making casting -
Information on casting - 107r
making casting -
Spalt - 108r
making observation casting -
Stone alum - 108v
making casting -
Wax for molding - 109r
making molding waxwork -
Molding wax - 109r
making molding waxwork -
Forge bellows - 109r
making advice -
Molding snakes - 109r
making observation keeping animals casting -
Rock and grotto - 110r
making grotto -
Wheat oil - 110v
making oil making casting -
A cast of lead or tin - 110v
making casting -
Reheating molds - 111r
making mold making -
Latten smoke - 111r
making casting -
For red copper - 111r
making casting -
Clay earth - 111r
making mold making -
Iron wire - 111r
making mold making -
Crab and crayfish - 111v
making molding -
Lizards - 111v
making catching animals casting -
Composition of sand - 111v
making mold making -
Decoction of sands - 112r
making decoction -
Affixing and arranging animals - 112v
making casting positioning animals -
Wetting sand and molding the first cast - 113r
making casting -
Second Casting - 114r
making casting -
Note about everything above said - 115r
making casting keeping animals -
Reheating molds - 115r
making casting -
Tin casting - 115v
making casting -
Annealing core molds - 115v
making annealing -
Reddening lively crayfish which will look as if they were boiled - 130r
making coloring animals -
Stag beetle - 130v
making casting animals -
For molding thinly - 130v
making casting -
Herbs difficult to burn in the mold - 131r
making casting plants -
Adorning beds, mirrors and similar things - 131r
making embellishing -
Molded wax - 131r
making -
When lead or tin casts fill with bubbles - 131v
making repairing -
Crocum ferry - 132v
making making sand -
Casting the feet of small lizards in gold and silver - 133r
making gold and silver casting casting animals -
Marks [made by] the [pin] points of iron thread which one finds on the head of an animal - 133r
making handling and maintenance -
Porosity and little holes which are in the mold - 133v
making repairing -
Thing that cannot be released from the mold - 133v
making handling and maintenance -
To make gold fluid - 134v
making -
Casting big works with gold - 134v
making handling and maintenance -
Secret for soldering small works made of gold and silver -
advice making soldering -
Vine leaf and small frog - 135r
making casting plants casting animals -
Casting gold - 135v
making casting -
latten casting - 136v
making casting -
Casting red copper - 137r
making casting -
Clamps - 137r
making tool making -
Gold casted very thinly - 138v
making casting -
Imitation diamonds set into the work - 138v
making embellishing -
Casting with lead and tin - 139r
making casting casting animals -
Casting wax to mold an animal that one has not got - 139v
making casting wax casting -
Molding and shrinking a large shape - 140v
making handling large shapes -
Molding grasshoppers and things too thin - 142v
making casting casting animals casting things too thin -
Molds - 142v
making maintenance -
Moulding turtles and tortoises - 143r
making casting animals -
Toad - 143r
making casting animals -
Openwork carcanets - 143v
making embellishing -
Iron filings - 143v
making maintenance -
Carnations - 143v
making casting plants -
Mercury in molds, for cleaning - 158r
making advice cleaning mold -
Candle smoke - 158v
making casting -
Portraits in Wax - 159r
making using wax -
Tin and lead - 159r
making molding -
Presses for large moulds - 160r
making advice making large presses -
Catching crayfishes - p160v
making catching -
Catching birds - 160v
making advice catching birds -
Crocum ferri - 161v
making advice colormaking -
Molds of things which have not been pelted - 162v
making advice molding -
Dragon's blood - 165r
making observation imitation -
Reducing a round form into a hollow one - 169v
making advice molding -
Thick tin pieces - 170r
making casting
For easing the belly - 001v
medicine making -
Against pain - p002r
medicine making
To varnish - 003v
observation varnish -
Lavender spike oil varnish - 004r
making observation advice varnish -
Black varnish for sword guards, metal bands for chests, etc. - 004v
making application advice observation varnish -
Black varnish without fire, without disassembling harnesses or removing metal bands from chests - 004v
making application observation varnish -
To lay down and set burnished gold and give it a red or green or blue hue - 006r
observation application embellishing gilding -
For cages - 006v
application advice observation description embellishing glasswork -
To gild with gold color and tinsel - 007r
making observation application embellishing -
Doublets - 007r
observation -
Polishing stones - 008v
observation polishing -
Plowman - 009r
observation agriculture -
Painters - 009r
observation painting -
Merchants - 009r
observation accounting -
Painters - 009v
observation painting -
Merchant - 009v
observation accounting -
Imitation jasper - 010r
advice observation application making imitating embellishing -
Scudegrun - 010r
observation painting -
Roses - 010r
observation imitating -
Purple color - 010r
observation painting -
For painting in oil on taffeta without the oil running - 010v
making observation painting -
Paper - 012r
observation advice mold making casting -
Plaster - 012r
observation advice mold making casting -
Moulding stucco promptly - 012v
making observation molding casting -
To whiten enilanroc - 012v
making observation polishing engraving -
To dye - 013r
making observation dyeing -
Candles - 013v
observation candle making -
Whitening pearls - 013v
observation cleaning -
Toadstone - 013v
observation painting medicine -
Snakes - 013v
observation animals -
For earth walls and rustic construction - 014r
observation construction -
Casting metals - 015r
making observation casting -
Ears - 015v
observation application medicinal -
Toothache - 015v
observation medicinal -
Planting trees - 038v
advice observation -
Merchants - 038v
observation -
Goldsmith - 039r
observation -
Dyers’ woad - 039r
observation making -
Enamel - 039v
application observation -
Colors for illumination on glass - 039v
application observation -
Tracing a history on glass - 039v
making application observation -
Vinegar - 040r
making observation -
Grottos - 040r
observation -
Latten and calamine - 040v
observation -
Metal - 040v
observation -
Aqua fortis - 040v
advice observation -
Cross of the commanders of Malta - 040v
observation application -
Garden lily - 041r
observation -
Sand - 041r
making observation advice -
Ducks - 041r
observation -
Glassmaker's black - 041v
observation -
Sheared ewes - 041v
observation -
Founder - 042r
making advice observation -
Casting sand - 042v
advice observation -
White bronzing - 043r
application observation -
Pearls - 043v
observation -
Arquebusier - 043v
advice observation -
Pewtermaker - 044r
observation -
Dyes from flowers - 044r
observation -
Horsehair sieves - 044v
observation making -
Loading an arquebus - 045v
observation advice -
Antimony oil - 047r
observation -
Crucibles - 047r
observation -
Crucibles - 047v
observation -
Lead tin - 048v
observation -
Pewterers - 049r
observation -
Birds - 049v
observation -
Birds - 049v
observation -
Little Birds - 050v
observation -
Copper - 053r
observation -
Silkworms - 053r
observation producing silk -
Another for waters - 055v
observation -
Tanner - 057v
observation tanning -
Painter - 057v
observation coloring -
Blacks - 058v
observation -
Shadows - 058v
observation painting -
Frescoes - 058v
observation -
Azure - 058v
observation -
Brushes - 058v
observation -
Shadows - 059r
observation -
Azure - 059r
observation advice -
Painting weapons - 059v
advice observation -
White lead - 061r
observation painting -
Copper heat - 082r
observation metalwork -
Watchmakers - 082r
observation watchmaking -
Painting on crystal or glass - 102v
making observation painting -
Against dog's gall. - 103r
observation making -
Earwax - 103v
making observation experimentation -
Enamels - 103v
observation advice enameling -
Turtles - 105r
observation animal observation -
Gardening - 105v
observation gardening -
Fountain - 105v
observation making fountain making -
Catching nightingales - 105v
observation advice making catching animals -
Nightingale - 105v
observation making advice keeping animals -
To cast - 106r
making observation casting -
Spalt - 108r
making observation casting -
Molding snakes - 109r
making observation keeping animals casting -
Moulders from Foix - p143r
observation making sand -
Aes ustum - 162r
observation molding -
Olive trees - 162v
observation agriculture -
Foot of bittern - 162v
observation molding -
Perfume-makers - 163r
description observation perfume making -
Spirits - 163r
observation using spirits -
Crocum - 163v
observation colormaking -
Leaded silver - 164r
observation molding -
To repair - 165r
observation repairing -
Lacquer - 165r
observation making lacquer -
Dragon's blood - 165r
making observation imitation -
Molds - 165v
observation molding -
Silver - 165v
observation melting silver -
For the Workshop - 166r
observation history -
handwork and devotion - 166v
observation literary description -
Common medals - 170r
observation making awl -
Molds - 170r
observation molding