To preserve oneself
Acetum paratum ex ruta baccis juniperi simul tusis Eoaceto extinguantur lateres igniti. Et vapor excipiatur ore naribus..Rue vinegar together with crushed juniper berries. Pour the vinegar over red hot bricks and inhale the vapor through the mouth and nostrils. This is to preserve oneself when going into noxious air: a garment can be perfumed with this vapor in order to remove infection from a room, house, etc. And if you find yourself in a place where you do not have this preparation, carry rue and berries crushed together, then, if need be, boil them in vinegar and use as described.
Ottonis episcopi Frisigensis Ab orbe condito -
Abbatis Urspergensis Chronicon -
Hieronymus Mercurialis, Variarum -
Rerum Scoticarum Historia, Georgio Bucanano authore
Rembertus Dodonæus, Mechliniensis medicus, De stirpium historia -
De L’Orme, De l’invention de bien bastir, and other works
Telesius, De coloribus, Vascosan
- Marbodius, De lapillis prætiosis </span>