To kill someone with a horrible poison spread on a board over which the person walks or on stirrups
Get in the month of June and July, many of the biggest snails you can find with their shell, put them in a glass bottle with a sufficient quantity of very hard and very boiled egg yolks with some good vinegar. Cork it and put it under some horsemuck for fifteen days. The snails will first survive thanks to the egg yolks, then with the heat they will come out of their shells and eat live on it. Finally, it will come a white salve. For your own safety you will not cut the bottle, keep it well closed and put it in strong sun and dawn for

for fifteen days. Next you will break it [sc. the bottle] from a good distance & with a long stick without looking at it & your eyes covered, you will put it where you want, or rub a little in a running river or on a tree or on grass that is on the bank.