Molding grasshoppers and things too thin
If you have to mold a piece of written—on paper that is too thin, after you have done the first cast and it has set, give a little thickness to the reverse of your paper with melted butter, which is the most appropriate means there is, & for strengthening the wings of either a butterfly or a grasshopper, or any delicate part of an animal to which you need to give thickness. But take heed to apply this melted butter under the wing or in whichever place it will not be seen. For giving thickness to a pansy or other flowers, butter is not good, but rather wheat oil, which is soon dry & holds firm. Wax would not be appropriate here for it is too hot once melted, and it makes the thing to which it is applied contract. But butter is amiable and handleable.
at left top margin of folio 142v
If you write on paper or on common carton and your letters are made with gum, the moisture of the clay plate (?) or the wet (?) sand for a noyau will moisten your letters and undo them. Write therefore with cinnabar mixed with oil, on oiled & stamped (?) paper.
at left middle margin of folio 142v
+ Reheat your molds with charcoal firstly lit in the forge, so that the fire is not too hot and does not break the molds. And do not fire as strongly where the mold is thin as where it is thick.