Annealing core molds
After your molds have their cast vents and clamps, fix the clamps as above mentioned. Then make a round, made of bricks, at the edge of your forge, or in a clean place. Fill this round with big, half—lighted pieces of charcoal. Put your molds on the round, and leave it during half an hour, that way it will gently heat up and not all at once. Finally, when coals start being white, add big half—lighted big pieces of charcoal and blow with your small bellows until hot. Do as such, slowly, until the molds redden inside and out. If you want to cast a herbage or an animal which are difficult to strip, and you need to burn what is in the mold, look into the cast and see if it is molds are quite red and inflamed inside; this will be a sign that they are properly annealed. If it is not so, increase the heat and keep at it until it becomes thus. If there is nothing inside the mold to be burnt, this heat is good for tin casting. The molds for tin casting are much better annealed in a reverberatory furnace.
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Do not heat too much at first otherwise your molds could break
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You know that your molds are annealed enough if the hole in the cast is red, on the contrary if the hole is black the molds are not annealed enough.
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If you want to cast silver, do not anneal twice, and if something stays in the mold and that must be burnt because no good […]