Founders of small tin work
They usually cast from soft solder the things that should not become hollow, because hollow works require fine and soft tin. However, these things would not otherwise lose their coat or become hollow if they are mixed or include glass tin in them, just like they mix a little glass tin in the soft tin. They carve their work on stones of which the sharpening stones or barber’s files are made. These are found in great flakes near the mountains, and resemble slate. They are found in three colors: one reddish, that is not as perfect as the others because it does not sustain heat ; another one is the color of dark slate, and the other is whitish. When they work a relief, first they print it on carton, which is one finger thick, to serve as a pattern. After planing their stones and rubbing them together , they use a compass or little iron tools to carve their figures. They make their molds with three or four stones, to make a circle or a square with the stones which join perfectly because the stones are of equal size. Before casting, they rub the mould over with tallow, and it the mould absorbs it quickly because it is hot. Then, having put fine powder of quicklime into a cloth, they rub the mould using pounce in beating the linen on top, then blow it a little on top; this prevents bubbles from forming. The main thing is to make some vents. If the work is big, they do as it is shown on the picture. They make a hole in the medal, somewhere where it is least visible, and with a bit they pierce the mold on the side of the medal.
And if they want their work to last, they pierce it somewhere and fit in a piece of cork. Lead or tin will not damage it.
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Make sure the pegs of your frame fit in easily so it will open with ease without moving anything else. Your box molds should fit well, and the table should be very flat.
at left top margin of folio 080v
Try to carve with distilled vinegar.
at left middle margin of folio 080v
Try calcined oyster shells; they are said to be excellent for molding.
at left top margin of folio 080v
Make sure the pegs of your frame fit in easily so it will open with ease without moving anything else. Your box molds should fit well, and the table should be very flat.
at left top margin of folio 080v
Try to carve with distilled vinegar.
at left middle margin of folio 080v
Try calcined oyster shells; they are said to be excellent for molding.