Regulus extracts
Take one pound of antimony, half a pound of black soap, and half a pound of Montpellier tartar. Once it is all pulverized, you have to boil it in a varnished earthenware pot on a big fire as you stir it with a piece of wood or iron. The soap will burn off and be consumed by the fire and the rest will stay red. The quantity has to be reduced to a third. Then throw that on a tile and it will turn blackish. You will have to melt and pour that on a tile four or five times and then you will have regulin from antimony.
Others pulverise the antimony and mix it with equal quantities of saltpeter and powdered tartar and heat a pot or crucible until it is red hot, then add a little bit at a time, turning their back for fear of the smoke, and keep doing so until everything is added. They maintain the fire until everything is completely melted and melt that several times.