Molding hollow on one side and in relief on the other
And for this effect, one casts a medal of fine tin, which is harder to melt. And since it is neat, one molds with it. And one leaves it in one half of the box mold, & presses it a little so that it holds better. And next, you shall cast in your box mold the solder described above, or another more meltable than fine tin. And thus, the second medal will melt and mold itself on the first one without ruining it. But to be safer, temper lamp black with water, & with a pinceau, give a light coat of this to the medal, which remains in the box mold, & leave to dry. Thus it will not melt. But if you have a medal of copper or silver, you can leave it in the casting, if you want to cast with lead or tin; but it is necessary that it be a little hot, for the cold would make the tin contract. Tin needs to be cast quite hot to come out neat. Tin doulx, which is the best for the cast, is the one that once cast en grille, is burnished & shiny & polished like a mirror, & appears to have been burnished, & does not have holes like the one that is brittle, & that is not shiny, as if burnished.