Drying animals in an oven
One can skin small cats and remove their eyes and all their guts. Then place a small stick vertically between the teeth in order to open their mouths. Then with iron nails one should attach their feet to a small board, arrange the required position. Once they are tied by their feet with small iron rings, one has to hang them upside down into the sun. By doing so, they will get the right shape and dry, the belly will tighten and the the tail will remain high up thanks to the twist that you made. Once they are already a bit dry, one may twist the head as he wishes and secure the position with any tool. One may finish to dry the animal by placing it in an oven once the bread has been taken off. Then place some realistically painted lead balls or wax balls in the eye—sockets. One should paint them with gummed ink so that they look like jet. One can add a painted tongue, or horns, or wings or anything you may imagine, same goes for rats or any animal.
Reddening lively crayfish which will look as if they were boiled
Rub your crayfish with good vinegar diluted with a little eau—de—vie and not much, then you can present them as if they were cooked and yet they will walk.
Molding a single spider
One has to display it on the jacket of clay as it is said for the vine leaf. Then do the first cast. And once it dry, peel the mold off to the middle of the legs and do the second cast.
Molding a single vine leaf
Attach it with brass wire points on the jacket of clay and then cast the first mold. Once it is dry peel off the back side and make the second cast. Then peel away the back side, and make your second cast. Once it is dry, you may remove the leaf. You must heat your mold only once, because there is nothing to be burnt inside.
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which surround the fingers of the paws and which stick in the jacket of clay.
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Also. One cannot mold the hairy legs of big spiders or any other hairy animal if they had not been rubbed with wheat oil before they are laid flat. This will make the hair firmer and will dry very quickly. Hairy things entangle in the sand, and do not burn very well.