Essence of sal ammoniac
The size of two chestnuts of pulverized sal ammoniac suffices in a pot of water, and to the tongue you find the water moderatly salty, for too much is not good.
To clean the various colors of lead & tin, one pulverizes sanguine & with some cloths, one rubs the e molded work.
Crab and crayfish
These are the hardest to mold & whoever molds them well will mold many other very delicate things.
When one takes them with two fingers from the sides of the head, at the level of the ears, one makes them open their g mouth, then one takes the a end of its lower mandibule, with the end of the fingernail, & after with the one from above it bites the nail, but it cannot pass through, but it bites very well. And if it were to bite living flesh it would au not let go, & there would be no better remedy than to promptly cut off his head. In the spring, as they have changed skin, they are more beautiful.
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The small lizards that one takes in the summer, the size of small female lizards, grey on the back & green on the belly, are very appropriate to cast in silver, & gold, or other metal, because their have rougher scales than the of female lizards & show better.
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like pincers
Composition of sand
Everything once reheated as it said here above, take four 4 full crucibles of plaster, two 2 of brick, & one of alum de plume. Do not pass through the sieve to mix, may because the alum would not pass. Mix with your hands, until neither one nor the other, neither white nor red, is recognised among the other. If your plaster was not strong, do not mix at all so much alum de plume, because it softens the molds. Take head also that your sand is not hot (since it has immediately been reheated) C when you will want to mix it with water, for this les makes molds too soft & breakable.
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You may sometimes diminish the quantity of plaster if you do not find it strong enough to withstands fire & if it cracks & so that the part of crushed tiles holds up, with the alum de plume, which you can also increase so that it creates a better bond.