In order that the tube does not harm, for example children, or those who have protruding or swollen hemorrhoidal veins, one covers the end of the tube with a piece of chicken gut & one folds it back over the end, & in this way, one gives the enema.
Tin retracts once thick, thusly it is best to cast it thin & to make two pieces out of one, then solder them if needs be. One uses a strong piece of taffeta to sieve the fine sand, with which one first covers the medal, the thickness of a teston.
For making colors run
Mix vinegar with a little with bile, & put it p into a glass bottle, & if you want to keep it for a long time, add some salt to it & of this mix some of it among your colors & that will make them run.
If you take enough with the tip of an ear picker & you sieve it with foam of urine, which often forms in the urine of those who have a headache, all the foam will dissipate.
For recognizing well their difference and their true color by candle, you need to put your candle behind a crystal mirror, or a glass globe or jar full of water, because this light is like sunlight.