For making bronze in steel color
Take alun de glace & antimony, but one needs twice as much alun de glace as antimony, and pound it together into an iron mortar, & then mix with gum water while grinding it on marble, & then one needs to use it with a pinceau, & next let it dry, and then polish it with one tooth of a wolf or dog.
For making bronze in gold color
Take copper filings &ochre & gum & alum, & grind it all together into a stone mortar, and when it is well ground, you will lay it on the work with a pinceau, then polish it with one tooth of a wolf or dog.
For making bone or horn green
Take verdigris & mix it with strong vinegar, then soak your bone or horn one hour, & then put on work.
For making bronze
Take filings of pin & other of latten, & put it together, & grind it on marble, grind it well with water little by little, until it is distilled, then put them into some new vessel. And