or to be safer, go away until the fire is completely blown out and that everything is cold again. Because the exaltation may be dangerous. And for that moment, when you take it with some tongs, do cover your mouth with some good vinegar and have a protection and cover yourself with it. Once it has died out, put it into a cloth or a canvas made of silk and fold it and hold it to a board exposed to air and the sun will dry it. Once it is well dry, powder it in a mortar and keep this powder cautiously Because one ounce of this one thrown on 3 pounds of melted ♁ transforms it into a finer ☉ than the other one. But there is not so much pitch. You also have to choose the oldest ♁ possible which has often melted before and finely hammered into blades or other works, and at first purify it by melting and throwing it into some honey and vinegar. The completion time for such work is nine months from Saint John’s day until the 25th April.
If one wants to have it strong and very fine, one has to gather it before the seed is completely ripe. Because if you wait for the seed to be completely ripe, the base is so dried by the sun that it is brittle and hard.It is true that like this, the seed reduces by a third.
If you want to keep them beautiful in gum and such that they do not lose any of their natural color, put white wine, the whitest and clearest you can, in a bottle with a little tragacanth gum. And having stoppered the bottle, scramble & shake it very strongly together, & let it rest until the tragacanth is dissolved. Also put in a little fine—grained sel blanc to brighten the whole. Some mix clear water with white wine, and with this mixture they temper the colors without grinding. And these show very beautifully on illumination works.