To tell someone that if he keeps holding his finger on his forehead, you will be able to stop him from going out of a room
Make him hug a bedpost or something similar, and with the same arm, make him hold a finger to his forehead.
Bet someone that when he walks to a certain place and returns, he cannot say boot without spurs four times in a row
If he tries to say it himself, be sure that he speaks loudly, so when goes and returns you tell him that he lost because he needed to say boots without saying spurs four times, for this was your bet.
To hang a candlestick on a wall without making a hole
Make a groom hold it against the wall.
How not to break a glass with a log or a large stick
You will cut a piece as small as a toothpick from a log or a large stick, and thus you will give it to him and he will not be able to break the glass.
Cunning writing
Cut some long rolls in fine parchment and mark them in order with A B C et cetera, then sew them inside the selvage of a rough cloth shirt, like for a messenger, who will not notice anything if you want to steal his shirt from him.