For painting in oil on taffeta without the oil running
One needs to make a layer of batture, which is made of well cooked honey & turpentine of colle forte soaked for 24 hours in water then gently brought to boil so that it is hardly strong. Next stir in a little honey to soften it, & make it boil all together. And on top of this layer, which will soon be dry, you will be able to paint in oil, which will soften the layer even more, and which can also serve to make a ground layer for gold. Water of alum also keeps oil from running.
Ground layer for gold leaf on parchment or paper
Make very clear starch glue, showing no body. And make thereof six or five layers, & on the last, once it is half dried, apply your gold.
For cleaning gold leaf applied to iron
Rub your weapons or other gilt objects with dry horse dung.
For whitening ceruse
Hard—boil eggs, divide them in half & take the yolk out, & between the two halves of the white put a piece of ceruse, & tie them together with thread. Then boil in clear water, & it will become entirely black, & thus the ceruse will be purified. Some reheat it over fire & it becomes very white.