Ashes in the moulds
You must let the mold cool down rather than blow into it to try to get the ashes out. Because when the mold is hot, the ashes stick to it, and when it cold, they separate from it more easily, and will exit by blowing with le vent a vapeur.
Moulding a bird
You must give it its pose. And to do so, place it on its side on a clay base and hide it in the aforesaid clay base and sink half the aforesaid bird in it, so that it is only showing one leg and foot, then you will apply butter to keep the feathers down and then apply some spirits. Then cast it. And having taken hold, clean and uncover what needs to be uncovered. Because the feet are made of bones which are hard to burn, and which will not be able to be cleaned neither with quicksilver, nor by any other means, if the mold does not open, uncover the bottom of the foot and the toe, or the nail of the claw, and mold it witha separate piece. Make a second cooking and open your mold and clean the bones. Feet generally remain too weak to support the a heavy bird. Because of this one adapts an iron thread in the foot mold which goes through the body before you cast. In this way they are reinforced. Some mold the wings in a frame. Some mold the head and the aforesaid wings separately en noyau, then reattach and repair them to start shaping the bird, which will firstly have a rigid shape and support the tempered sand.
at left middle margin
They are skinned and filled with cotton cloth. And for the best result, you must prepare it in the way that leather—workers do, so that they do not lose their comely feathers. The preparation is made of alum and flour paste.
Pour faire h… vin f…rs ?
Prenez un chausson du pied droid t qui ait este porte et le faictes
tremper en eau et de leau qui en sortira la faire boyre au mesme
ou autre et verrez merveilles