Removing gold
Gold as gilding goes away if the coin is reheated and placed against a strong fire, even if there is lead, because lead, which contains much mercury will pierce a gold coin in a fire.
Cutting lead
Because it lead is fat, hard to catch and corrosive to the knife and the scissors, wet it up and you will be able to cut it like glass.
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Sometimes, gold and silver, exposed to a certain kind of smoke, take on a coloration during the casting. But these are neither flakes nor coat but a colour which will go away during the whitening.
Softening silver
When goldsmiths who work on a large scale have forged their plates, to their loss these plates quite often break and crack because they have been sharpened too much. In order to avoid this, when it is quite melted, throw in ground dry mortar made of sand and good lime which has been used before.
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Goldsmiths do not work with silver from real because it is rich in lead and becomes sour when forged.
For small works and things that need to go only once to the fire, some weld with some old sol or carolus reheated and beaten. However if the sol is not quite good enough, the welding will not hold as there is too much copper and one will have to weld twice. Others weld with an alloy made of half silver and half fine copper.
Iron flakes
Once it is quite ground and refined on the marble slab and mixed with the sand from the core mold, dry it slowing without reheating it, and it will allow for several casting of lead and tin. Copper and brass come out fine of it. But if it is not ground as finely as crocum, it sinks unless the sand is soaked and quite thick.
Metal file dust
It does not melt by itself if it is not helped with some portion of similar metal melted to assemble it and bathe it, as it is more burnt than melted. File dust from tin and lead are made with tallow, file dust from gold with saltpeter, file dust from silver with sandever.