Molding hollow
This iron thread needle which you put thusly in the mold, is to better secure the noyau and keep it from shifting. All of this having been thusly arranged, lay your mold on the table, hole facing upwards, as it is explained at the side. And then fashion a circle made of soft clay, of about two fingers high around the hole, as you have done with other molds. And then temper your molding sand to an average thickness, and throw it in the hole until it mold is very very full, that is to say until you reach the clay circle. Be advised not to throw it sand in the middle of the hole, but from the sides, because the already made mold, will drink and suck the moisture. And the new sand that you throw on the sides of the mold, because drying quickly, will plug the mold and not leave you enough time to fill up. Whereas if you throw it the sand from the side, when you realize it is drying too quickly and plugs up, you can make a path for it. Having thrown it in, blow on the tempered sand, and insert the tip of your finger in the hole a few times, or some kind of pointy thing to keep it moist, in order to make sure that the hollow wax does not fill up. At the end throw in the thicker tempered sand to strengthen the mold, because when water rises up to the edge of the mold, it always makes it softer. Having taken hold, get rid of the clay circle and any raised parts that relate to the hole through which you threw the noyau, and you will not even realize the process took place. Once your mold has been thusly prepared, lute its outside with the same sand that you used to make the mold. Then reheat it on with a low heat to begin with, slant the mouth of the cast downwards so that the wax trickles out slowly, because if you reheat it over very high heat to make the wax come out, it will boil inside it the mold, and will leave blisters and lumpy bits on it the cast, as long as
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This iron thread needle is placed in the middle and the hole of the cast, when the mold is in many pieces, as is the one for turtles. And you do this so that the noyau does not shift. But when the mold is made out of only two pieces, it is not necessary to put needles in the middle. Figure
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Rather than cast the noyau, make some notches around the edge of the hole through which you would like to cast, so that your mold is even more secure.
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Mixed tallow means that when you empty your wax when you are emptying the mold of wax, it does not clog.
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You will need half tallow and half black wax.
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Every thick piece comes out better when molded hollow, because a thick mass of mostly lead will stay warm for a long time and eat away at the mold.
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After the cast, you can mold the part of the shell of the belly where you made your hole on the real thing animal and fix it with solder.
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XNote that after your noyau has been cast, it is better to put your mold in hot water to open it, so that you can take away as much wax as you can, always softening it in the hot water. Because the less wax you have on it, the better it is, because it will reboil when you reheat your mold, and you will get blisters and lumps. And if you have little wax left in the mold you will not need to reheat it as much. When you open your mold the cast will break. But it can easily be repaired as long as you castA