Hard wax to imprint seals
One makes these seals out of white wax which is harder than the other and one mixes in it some cerussite or leaded white very finely ground such that it is as hard as you like and mix in a drop of turpentine to bind it. Afterwards mix it in the color that you want. It is in wax that serves goldsmiths for modeling.
Casting the feet of small lizards in gold and silver
Because the feet of these lizards that are very small are also very fine, once you have molded the top and you have uncover the vents and underneath the feet are covered lightly with wax, and then cast a second mold. And the wax that one removes, it leaves a little cast for these said feet, and again such that the underneath part comes out in one piece that you can repair well, And the scales on top of the toes come out well.
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Around the big lizard nails, put on each a small round of wax to make the cast like this.
Marks made by the pin points of iron thread which one finds on the head of an animal
With the points or pins with which you have dressed your animal all over, do same with the head, but out of the head which is pierced, a certain moisture seeps out around the wound and this little exudation prevents the sand from covering the point well and there always remain little pinpricks. But to avoid this, you can plant in the plaster of the said blunt pin point and around the upper part of the point, and over this point, there put a little hard wax or a little mastic or cement. And by the medium of the hot thread of iron there you can hold the throat of the animal which one removes the iron when you come to uncover the vents and the throat for doing the second cast.
Clamps and the broken mold
When you have done the first firing and taken off the clamps and you have opened your mold to clean it by taking off the bubbles with quicksilver which one cannot do with closed molds, reclose the mold and reattach the clamps but not in the same place as the first time. Reapply lute and dry it but if this is for casting silver or gold use lute with the rest of sand which has been used because this is the best netting. If your mold is broken in refiring you can augment it with clamps and lute.
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