Molding bouquets, plants and flowers
One needs to mold them as soon as they are picked because they wilt and dry out. Dip them, therefore, immediately in good eau de vye & then put them in your wet sand, like snakes. For which one needs no release, for while the molds being reheated, the plant burns, which does not happen with animals, which have bones. It is necessary that for bouquets, the sand be not as thick as for snakes because, if it were thick, it would crush the flower.
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burning the plants, flowers, and animal parts remain inside. Next one needs to clean them & remove the ashes. Secondly, reheat them & render them red for casting. At the beginning, reheat with some charcoals, gently lit, and put your noyau molds flat on the charcoals surrounded by bricks. Frame molds are reheated on a grill.
Noyaumolding with the same sand, wax images, or lead medals, and similar things
Check if they release well. If they do not, fill with wax what does not, and then smear your images of wax or of lead with olive oil, very thinly & very lightly, such that the oil makes no thickness nor body on the medal.Then, heat a little eau de vye & when it is lukewarm, moisten the oiled medal with it, for if the water were cold, it would reject the oil, it would not set well. Next, cast your sand of plaster, matton, and wet alum on top. Having arranged your image on the clay mandore & having made a circle around it to give it the necessary thickness. These medals are oiled and rubbed thusly with eau de vye because they are firm & hard & would not malleable for taking out of the mold, which is tenacious, as are the animals from nature, which are soft & flexible.
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When you have wet your sand, do not throw it in the middle of the mold, but on the sides, so that the sand descends gently, and that the beginning is not thick & afterwards thick. If your wet sand sounds like water falling in the mold, it is a sign that is not thick enough. Make it therefore of average thickness.
Casting for gold and silver
It is necessary that the molds be fiery red & ablaze when you cast in gold & silver , or you burn flowers and bouquets. The gate should not be very thick at the entryway of the molded thing, because the substance flows better when at ease and without shaking the mold & does not become as porous.
A way to unmold enamel gold very delicate gold rose leaves and others
After you have cast or beaten in gold the thin leaves of a rose or other things, if you want to enamel them, you need to solder or braze your delicate gold leaves onto silver strips, which uy will strengthen them to support the enamel. Next, once the thing has been enameled, put the work in aqua dfortis, which will eat away the silver & leave all the gold with its enamel. For this, the gold needs to be passed