Tin casting
If the plant or flower that you want to cast is delicate & fine, it is necessary that the tin exceeds lead in the mixture & on the contrary, if it is thick, it is necessary that lead exceed. Therefore for the fine thing, put in some fine tin, not all the quarter part of lead. And make sure that your mold is hottish, such that you can hold it in your hand, when you want to cast. As for the alloyed tin,the same as mentioned, it is necessary that it is very hot & almost red for casting, so that it penetrates. Otherwise, having to run the length of the fine branches of the plant, it will get cold before arriving there. And no forget to mix in it a little looking—glass tin, which makes it run better & firms it up.
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In the lead alloyed with tin, or tin alloyed with lead, you can put a little bit of looking—glass tin & it will seem silver. But do not put too much, for this hardens the substance & sours it also, so that for a delicate thing like legs & similar things, it would not be appropriate.
Venting molds
In addition to your vents, if your plant is very fine, you can pass a thread through the clay circle, rather than casting with a needle, & make sure it passes through the plant. And with thread, burning like the plant, a hole will remain, which will create air & venting, to help clean.
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Do not pull out your reheated molds from the fire, before they have cooled themselves & take care that neither the wind or the cold hits them while very hot, for this would make them burst. One must not reheat them before they are dry and firmed up for they would cast in a different way, and it is necessary before hand to make gates & vents & place clamps.
Reheating noyau molds
After your molds have their gate, vents & clamps, as mentioned, make at the end of the forge, or in some clean place, a surrounding of bricks, and fill it with large half lit charcoal. And place your molds on top, and leave the charcoals thusly to light by themselves for a half hour, so that they heat little by little and not all at once. Finally as they begin to become white, beat the thusly half—lit large charcoals on top & blow with your little bellows, until they are warmed. And thusly, little by little, invigorate the fire, without haste, until you molds are well red on the outside & the inside. If it is for casting some plant or some animal which does not release well & in this case, one needs to burn it in the mold & when you look through the gate & through it you see the molds are very red & inflamed inside,this will be your signal that they are reheated enough. But if you do not see this signal, increase &continue the fire until it is the case. If there is nothing in the mold that needs burning, it will be enough that they are dried well on the same fire, if it is for casting tin, they reheat better in a reverberatory furnace. image
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Take care to not heat the fire in one go, for fear that you molds crack inside.
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They are reheated enough when the entire hole of the gate is red. When it is black, it is not enough.
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For casting in silver, one must not reheat two times, if there is nothing in the mold that needs burning, simply because it does not release well. All the molds of farriers are reheated two times, first for