such that while reheating the two casts will disjoin. Et pour pl Therefore, for this effect, take several bowls of different size, which have a lip, to cast better. In these pour some common fountain water, & mix into it as much essence of sal ammoniac as can be held in an egg, # composed as mentionned. If you want to cast in lead or tin — because one would need more for casting gold & silver — the essence once in your bowl, mesles put y your sand in it & not the essence in the sand & add it a dista distawith such discretion that il, while stirring & mixing it promptly with a wooden spoon, it does not become thicker than clear mustard. And thus throw le first the non—thick part, qui es as is always at the surface, in shakes & da at the top of your mold. And doing so, since your animal is nearly covered, blow strongly everywhere in order to dissipate the small and big bubbles that the wet sand makes & continue without delay to put all the rest which is at the bottom, & a little thicker than the top, until everything is filled, up to the mark for thickness that you made.
And do not forget to shake the mold affin while throwing, so that the wet sand runs & enters well everywhere. Also tip your mold up on the side of the head, which is higher than the body, and thus your mold will have the same thickness, & you will spare sand. All of this being done scrupulously fai, let it set, which will take a quarter of an hour. Then release the clay circle, which can be used another time. And leave it to dry a little bit, & separate your mold from the tourtelle earth, which also de will be appropriate for molding right away, and pare the excess with a big knife, giving to it the long shape of a mandore. Rasche Scrape & cut also away the back of the mold, which is always the weakest, and adapt it cleanly thusly. And do not forget to make notches around, so that the second cast fixes & binds better Figure
without changing.
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If you can, fill your half mold in one go & with la pre one wet batch it is the best.
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# or two eggs, because there is no risk if there is more. Et l’eauIf you cast in two goes, it is enough to put essence of sal ammoniac at the first bowlful.
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Make it clear like a broth of juices, or like starchy water, that women use to make their starch. For there is no risk in it being very clear, because sand always settles in the bottom & water separates & remains on top. The same that one scrapes since it is too weak & soft. And it will not let itself set quickly, for all things calcined dry out promptly from mixed water.
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If you don’t fill in one go your mold destrempe with wet sand, take head to stir your second cast with the e p surface of the first, p by mixing with the spoon or a spatula with which you wet it.
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Essence of sal ammoniac is not necessary for small molds, which do not require neither a big nor a long fire to be reheated, however, when you put some in it will only be better.