to cast, make him take through the mouth some good eau de vye or else mix a bit with the vinegar. And soon it will be dead, without any lesion which deforms it. For large animals, for whom one would need a lot of eau de vye, one uses vinegar and er urine. But for small ones, only eau de vye, which is done sooner.
When your animal is dead, take it out & clean it scrupulously of its old skin, if it sheds, or of the filth, or of the lice, like lizards have, and then apply thusly.
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now put enough in a glass, & soak there & keep there continually the head of the animal, or the whole of it, if it is not big.
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Take head, before it dies,to keep the eyes open, es by blocking the eyelids with a little of wax or something else.
Mouler Making the arrangement and disposition of the animal
Having stocked up some fat earth called clay, that should be grey, because that commonly the best, or another which has good binding & will should well prepared & beaten, such that it is handleable without attacking the hands nor the work, make a lazagne or like a torteau of this earth equally flattened with a round stick, which pastry—makers use, which should be a little thicker than a poulce. And on this tourtelle, arrange your animal, aya imitating its naturalness, & fa the way in which it is commonly shaped. And firstly, with a good needle, pierce it from underneath, in the middle of the throat, & up to u the top bone of the head. Retract the needle, & in its place & its hole, put the point of an iron wire, of such a length that it suffices to hold the head of the animal as q high as it must be, & if the skin gets in to the inside & when you put in the point, pull it out with a point the edge of your small pincers, & arrange it as it was. Push the other end of the point in the tourtelle of clay. Thus, the head will be held high, which will have better grace &once fixed, arrange after the gesture of the body, & the feet, & the entanglement as you think will look best. And so that it is secure & does not move at all when you throw in the sand, mects secure the legs & le corp with little points of iron wire, having already made the first hole with a very sharp needle. Do the same on the body parts that you deem necessary, plantant making sure that the points passing through the animal are fixed in the tourtelle of earth, and not so far in front that they jut out beyond the body of the animal by a
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Take a fine needle of steel, & which is the sharpest possible, so that with it, making the first hole to place the points of iron, it passes without forcing anything, & by its harshness, does not push in or pull out the skin. Next, put in a bigger point of iron in thick places, & thin ones in thin places. But head as a secret to not plant, in the first go, the point passed through the animal in the slab of earth, pour but having planted it, take it out of the earth & not out of the animal, & fais ains next, fix it. This is done because by fixing it the first time, it pushes in the skin of the snake and by taking the point out, it replaces the skin in its original state.
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When you put the points again you have already used, clean them well of rust, so that they do not take away some skin.
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The main layout of your arrangement is to di place the head raised & looking sideways. For this effect, pierce the head on a solid plank or table & , making the point pass through the bottom of the throat, s’arrestan entering into the top of the head Figure