Reheating molds
The frames readily dry out & do not reheat. For reheating is actually for the second time to redden & inflame the molds in the fire, and drying out is to let the molds dry themselves, or to make their dampness evaporate by placing them in front of a flaming fire or a charcoal one. Noyau molds readily reheat & frame molds dry out.
Latten smoke
It is good to reheat in it the molds for casting latten, for this gc yellow filth, which appears nevertheless to refill the molds, casts very neatly, being of the same nature.
For red copper
When it is melted, it is good to throw in a little fine tin, for this makes it run.
Clay earth
This one, moistened & well beaten & kneaded as you know, is necessary for you to make the contour for containing your molds. But take heed that it not be too soft, but rather as if half dry, that ielle it does not attack your hands, because otherwise it would attack your work. Always keep it in a damp place, and make holes in it, and fill them with water, to keep it fresh.
at left middle margin
The gray one is best, which does not crack at all.
at left middle margin
It is more appropriate than a blade of lead.
at left middle margin
Iron wire
You need to have enough provisions of different thicknesses, according to the molds that you want to make, some large like cord, some & some thin p, like the large cords of a spinet, for small works. You make, once de reheated, clamps from it to close the molds & the points, like needles of different lengths, according to your need, to pierce the animal to be molded & keep it subjected. Needles would not be good for this because it is necessary that their points be empty & of the same thickness throughout, except at the point. And then, one must make them as long as you have need of. Iron wire is firmer than that of latten.