Against dogs’ mange
For normal—sized dogs, take half an ℥ of stavesacre, & one ℥ for big dogs, as fine powder beaten with two egg whites & one quarteron of oil. They must drink the beverage on an empty stomach, after keeping them locked without any food. Approved.
For casting
If you have some piece which does not want to release, & is big, mold it with wax, either in cavity or in relief, because it is malleable once soft & obeys, and thus separates itself from the piece without leaving anything. But take heed that the melted wax be neither too hot nor too cold. Some mold with wax heated in hot water, but in pressing the mold, it becomes gauche & becomes fake. Once your cavity in wax, you can cast in some very soft clay & very moistened & clear, & let it dry at ease. Then you will make a cavity on it ave of lead or tin, in tu which what you will form will be of good release.
Know what it is to work on spangled garments, it is small pieces of pure silver & of silver—gilt with which one makes the archers’ coats.
Spinet playing by itself
Make an axle surrounded with wheels pierced all around in their thickness and attach feathers as for a cittern or a spinet & arrange them according to the song you want it to play, leaving a suitable distance. And, turning the axle either by yourself or by a clock spring, your invention will effect itself.