Corroding and dissolving absolutely pure gold
Put it regular salt with aqua fortis into a violl. Let it rest for two hours, without heating it. Put in this mixture tenuous gold, and draw it out as if it had been separated from silver.
For Engraving on iron
One ℥ of verdet and ii ℥ of coarse salt & a little sublimate. Or else grind massicot with linseed oil, and u cover the blade or quite clean & polished iron with it & leave to dry in the fire or in the sun. And draw on it what you please. Then, to engrave & make the water, take a liard’s worth of verdet & put in twice as much coarse salt & about four grains of sal ammoniac, & six grains of sublimate, & the water must not be hot.
Good mixture to color gold
Sulphur & small gravel as much of one as of the other, & the third part of soufr salt, & as much terra merita as sulphur.
How to silver plate copper and latten
Mold the silver as the gold, & put it in the oven in order to get a good gilt pot. And do not let it heat, otherwise the silver would tarnish. Once it will be well spread, make it boil in walnut oil, & then heat it a bit, & put it into the water the silversmiths use to bleach their works.
Enameling a cornaline
Soak some wheat flower in white wine, then besmear & cover the whole cornaline with it. And bring the violet kind to heat again, then put it to temper in white wine for one or two hours, then scratch it & leave the part you want to keep on it, then lay on some more on top again.