Against burns, excellent
Heat linseed oil on a light fire, without letting it boil and simmer, but once it is hot put in a quarter as much of the newest wax you can. After all this has melted, let it cool. And once it begins to curdle, stir continuously with a new wooden spatula for as long as it takes you to say 9 pater nosters, and while you say them, wash this composition with holy water, stirring all the while. Having said the first 9 pater nosters, pour out the first water and put in new one, and wash and stir the composition for the time it takes you to say 8 pater nosters, and the 3rd time for as long as 7, and thus successively you will add new water, doing the same as above, until the last and single pater noster of nine.Then you shall have a soft white ointment, with which you shall besmear the burn for 9 days. But do not apply it any longer, since it would cause an overgrowth of flesh. You shall dress your burn twice a day, and each time you shall wash your face with water and wine mixed together, a little tepid, not rubbing but so to say pressing with wet linen, and you shall wipe it similarly with fine linen. And then apply the ointment, over which you can put ivy leaves. This causes hair to regrow and leaves no scar. I was taught this by a powder maker who had almost completely burnt himself but showed no sign of the burn.
Against dog’s gall.
The English, who cherish their dogs for taking care of their livestock, have grooms for them, who hold this particular office. And melting pitch in water and leaving it to soak, they rub the dogs with that water, or with water sublimate.