Gold color
To quickly make a layer of or sur mat on canvas or other oil panel, one makes fatty walnut oil in the sun or on the fire, as said above, for it thickens by itself in this way, although there is neither lead, nor ceruse. And with this, grind massicot, mine, & other desiccatives, not verdet nor orpiment, for they cause the gold to die. It will be dry soon. However, if the weather is not clear & dry, do not shade it, for if the weather is damp & humid, it would turn black.
Portrait—painting from nature
One needs to carefully observe the eyes, the nose, & the beard, for these three things make strong resemblance.
One needs to pound your materials in a thick glass mortar coated with mastic, & encased & into another wooden mortar, so that it does not break, this can be useful to perfumers, & la t use a glass pestle too.
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** Glass mortar and table for crushing. **
Vitrified saltpeter
Melted with pebbles, it makes the glass very white. But rather, it needs to be calcined on a hot tile or paddle. And mix the liquid remains of the vapor with as much white, calcined pebbles. It is true that, in the little oven, it does not make it very clear. But for big windows, it makes the glass very clear, & white & clean.
Windows through which the sun will not pass
Take the aforementioned calcined saltpeter & expose it to a humid air or place, and it will convert itself into a liquid which, if rubbed on both sides of the windows, the sun will not pass through; rather, it will give shade. One needs to put the saltpeter on some clean thing place, & it put glowing coals on it, and continue all over until it no longer burns.
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It also serves for melting & for adding in with alkali salt for cleaning hands.