Impromptu mask
Mold some paper & put it on the face of somebody who is making an ugly grimace. Let it dry & take your pattern to paint from it
# & swellings. It is necessary that it not be too wet for the above said reasons. Reheat little by little. And if, after having been molded, you leave it to dry slowly, in some dry place, & not over a big fire, it would be better, for when one exposes it all at once to intense heat, it swells. I believe that reheating it at the mouth of the furnace, after you have taken the bread out, would be well proper. One ought not complain about the difficulty of preparing it, for it withstands as many castings as you wish, because it renders itself hard as marble & you can polish it & the mold cannot be spoiled. Having been used, crush & sieve again, yet without being so scrupulous as to render it very fine, I for once passed only through a common sieve, it has more force than and releases better, than when it is so fine.
Eau magistra
Dissolve rock salt or salt finely pulverized sandever & put on marble in a cellar, & it will dry out by reheating the mold, & will give it a bond to withstand several castings. Try to moisten it with tartar oil.
Ground during Advent, keeps for the whole year.
Sand from a mine in Thoulouse
The sand from Thoulouse, which is taken, from the depths of the earth, from the small hill of Puy David, is excellent in itself, but to make it withstand several castings, I mix it with pulverized sandever & moistened, which hardens it, & takes body & bond with it, & makes it withstand more than five as many castings as you wish. Try to moisten the crushed glass and other e sands with the waters of the above mentioned salts. It wants to be, like all natural sand, well reheated before putting it to work. One pulverises it, because it is in a lump, then one reheats it in a copper kettle or similar thing, until it no longer smokes.
at left bottom margin
It is necessary to reheat it before using it. It is rendered better for casting because it is reheated, but when it has been used a lot, one ought to refresh it with new sand.