Only brick very finely sifted, & worn down one against another, is good for all castings of lead and copper, mixed with urine. It is necessary this be whitish brick.
Making copper and latten run
Put in, at the end, when it is very hot and you want to cast, sal ammoniac & saltpeter, which removes filth & heats it. Mix some ardides with the latten. @ Guard against the metal touching the iron or the latten of the box mold, but cover it with sand or lute. Make the cast very even.
Calcined black pebbles from the river are good for lead, but they are shaken loose for metal.
There is only clay earth with which one can make tiles, reheated & reddened & passed through a sleeve finely moistened with glair.
Willow charcoal is excellent for sand for b lead.
Latten runs better.
Casting with a box mold
It is good to make it with boxwood. Turn it in order to make it even, as this is important for the casting. Lute also, or cover the mouth of the box mold with sand so that the melted metal, or lead,or copper does not touch the box mold’s iron or latten, because it makes it brittle, & makes it porous. Also make sure that the cast is always higher than the mold. Also guard against the cast being too wide or too deep because the narrower, the better. For when it is big, the weight of the substance that runs breaks & shakes loose the mold & makes it porous. When you have cast, gently hit the box mold frame, so that the substance spreads better. Black lead of saulmon from the first melting makes a very neat one.