but it should not be too small, then take a glass vial not too big and put into it a half of these two, namely two & a half ounces. Next take the said benzoin just as roughly crushed, and put it to use with the aforesaid water and let it rest for the space of one & half days, & then take the said water & put it into another glass vial & soak it very well. And on the rest of the said benzoin that remains at the bottom of the said first vial, put the rest of the water over this and do as before when you see that the case is going well, and mix the first water with the second. By means of this you will be able to help yourself to this for something more noble.
Another approved varnish
Take two ounces of linseed oil & two ounces of huille petrolle and two ounces of mastic, the whitest you can find, and of alung de glace, & grind it, and take a little bit of white copperas, and put all these drugs together into an earthen pot that should be new, and lay it on hot ashes for a bit, and you will see a beautiful varnish.
Another varnish
Take huille petrolle & spike lavender oil, as much of one as the other, & mix it together with copperas, & make them melt over hot ashes, according to the quantity that you want to make. To lay down this varnish, put three coats on the work that you want to varnish.
Another varnish
Take one ounce of spike lavender oil & of sang de raiye da Rac & make