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For making very beautiful gold color & of little expense

First take very yellow orange peel, & clean them well of the white that is inside, & pulverize them very well and in a very clean mortar. And take as much of sulphur, & grind all together, and put everything in a glass vial, & keep them in the cellar or other damp place for the space of eight or ten days. Then when you want to use it, one needs to warm it and use it where you want, & you will see a very beautiful color.

For making black goumiche

Take some glue, & mix it with vinegar, & melt it until and it should be very clear. And take lampblack or another black & mix them together, then lay it on wood.

For the white

One needs to take white wax with ceruse, and melt all together, & lay it on wood or another thing.

Gilding iron or tin

First it is necessary to wash whatever one wants to gild in wine lees, and then wash it once again with white wine. Take three ounces of terra merita and one choppine of white wine. Boil the matter for half an hour, and apply your colors over your iron or tin, or whatever else. Then leave to dry on a sheet of paper and do not put your hand in your materials.