For making gray wood
One needs to take three half setiers of iron filings for xviii s deniers of alung de glace, & for as much green copperas, for six deniers of verdigris, pitch, & a quart of cuyr currier water, and if you cannot find it, you will put more rainwater of slight degree.
For gilding on wood
First one needs to lay down a coat of glue very clear, and once dry, you will lay down a coat of yellow gold. And when it is done, you will take fig tree wood, & put it to soak some space of time, & wash the places you want to gild, and cut your gold with a knife to the price that you will lay down. And one must lay down the said gold with cotton. And if you can find fig tree, take the the white of one egg & stir it vigorously.
If your gold does not have beautiful enough color, you will take a partridge feather, & make it burn it in a chafing—dish, and make the smoke go against what you have gilded.
For gilding with or moulu
One needs to take a coquille of gold and, before you want to work with it, you will soak it with gum water and lay it down with a pinsseau, & polish it with a skin wolf’s tooth once it is dry.
Recipe for putting all woods in color
For making it black, one needs to soak it in olive oil. And the horn, in a similar case, four or five days, & then boil it there where it has soaked for the space of one hour, & take it out of the oil, and take some natural sulphur or another