grind it separately. When it is well—ground, take the sal ammoniac & grind it together again. Then take one ounce of soft tin & one ounce of quicksilver, then melt your tin & put your quicksilver drop by drop into your tin while melting, & stir with force until it is powder.
For c coating it
Take some glue of Partenay or parchment and apply it with the white of one egg, then take a little saffron and vinegar and the milk of a fig tree, and do a coat again. Then take the bronze and apply it on top.
Take two ounces of spike lavender oil & one ounce of sandarac. Take a clean pot, & warm it, & then take it from the fire, and next put the drugs inside, and next put them into a vial, & apply it on the wood.
Another recipe for making varnish
Take one ounce of varnishVenice turpentine & one quarter ounce of perolle petroleum oil & one ounce of sandarac & one of spike lavender oil.
Color of burnished copper
Take one ounce of sal ammoniac with one ounce of Armenian bole and half of copper filings with one ounce of sulfur & half a sestier of vinegar. Beat all into a small oven of tiles and make a small charcoal fire around it, and put your pot into the said oven for the whole day.