with half lead comes out almost better than tin pure or or pure lead, even though in any case they come out well. Nevertheless take care not to cast lead not as hot as tin. In big works it is necessary to moisten the sands with magistra or egg white.
Three things take the longest, leaves, hair & garlands.
You should not choose for casting the one that is in any way lean & arid, such that it does not bind at all, like the one from the sea or desei from sandy paths dried out by the sun. But choose them or in t preferably from quarreriesries or rock caves, because that one is best, as long as it is very fine. You will know the vein if, in the greyish rocks or quarries qu that seem to be made of arene, you see after rainy weather, certain little amounts like dust attached to the said rocks, or if a little piece flakes off, easily crushed between your hands, due to humidity. You will also find it in lean soils, which comes off in lop large lumps like stones of tuf et ne, or among terres boulvènes, which are much better than those from fat & strong earths. And one ought not to take it from the surface, for fear that it be mixed with common earth, but three or 4 feet below & the closest to the tuf or stone. Since it comes out in large lumps one would say it starts to form itself in stone. But when it is wet, it comes apart easily. One needs to make sure that when breaking it up it is well granular, & that when crushing it between the fingers, it renders itself really very fine, like impalpable, keeping nevertheless its asperity of arene, without muddying the fingers like clay. It dries up slightly on the fire, then it disintegrates & passes finely through a double sieve or a linen sleeve, then takes moistures with wine or magistra & @ / Verte
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The Toulouse molder reheats it strongly then grinds it finely on marble and passes it through a linen & moistens pass it with wine. He makes the cast very broad & ne flat & barely deep. He casts pure latton used for scales & similar thin things. He casts very hot.
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@ Try calcined vitriol.