Because blacks make in different colors, some a reddish black, others tend towards blue, and others towards green, choose those which tend towards yellow to make beautiful shadows in oil, for shadow, especially that of men, is yellowish. And for this effect use very strongly ground jet, which you will mix with a little yellow ochre & lead white. Or else, after you have ground your lead white bro and clean p gathered it with the
, grind the jet into it. Thus it will be more desiccative, & making on its own a yellowish black. A little white mixed in renders it perfect for men’s shadows. Blacks which make a greenish black are appropriate for women’s shadows. Take, then, some black of , a little sap—green & bistre, & you will have a perfect shadow for women in distemper.
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The powder of orberégrain is darker than umber & when you lack umber, the said powder will do, but it does not have body.
Flesh color
You must know well the mixing of colors & the appropriate shadows, but above all make sure to soften them well. And note & observe that a thing which appears flat needs to be softened lengthwise, as if going from lettre a ga right to left like
, and whatever ought to appear round must be softened in circles.
When you make flesh colors, it is good to have a cristallin mirror, which represents well after nature, and in which it you will see if your shadows are soft enough or too crude. But do not look at it with a candle, for firelight will make the shadows reddish. The painter also teacher himself with the mirror, for he sees in it what the natural can do.
Greasy colors
If some part remains shiny and does not seem dry after the layered colors have penetrated, it means that this part is greasy, & that the second colors one layers on would not take on the dry layer, unless you rub this part with soap or breathe on it, because the humidity will make the colors take.
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One cannot layer oil on cut paper & model as in distemper because the colour would run. Thus, to gild with or mat, one needs to pounce & then layer the gold color with the pinceau.
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All greasy colors, such as ceruse and minium, massicot, ochre, lead white are good for making gold color.
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Any color or thing that thickens when water is put with it when it is being ground has body. But those that lack it, such as cristallin, lake & become clear.