Velvets and blacks
One needs to make the middle main layer very d dark, & the folds & highlights of the same very bright with white, & on the edge of its light, you make a white line. For blue & green velvets, you highlight touch with shading of peach pit black which is very black. For lake, black of charbon de pierre which makes a reddish black on lake for velvets. The common charcoal makes a whitish black. P
Soft wood charcoal appears bluish. It is good for making armory.
Stil de grain yellow
Is made with broom flower boiled well in water, putting in enough alum, then ceruse.
Red copper
Some with chalk, but the best has its body with ceruse & brazilwood dye .
Flanders blue
In the month of May, one puts the cow dung to putrefy under horse dung. Then one mixes with floree.
Snow—covered landscapes
Only three colors are used for it: white, black & bistre.
If you have worked & made your ground layer with some desiccative color, such as minium & similar, finish softening while the work is fresh, for if you were to wait until the next day, it would be dry & you would not be able to finish it neatly.