To become an artist, one needs to draw by eye, without compass or ruler. Masters do not allow apprentices to do this.
When the priming has been long done, it becomes greasy. One needs to rub it with ash & water.
To know the point, one needs to lay down a ruler over the lines, & at the intersection of these the point will be. Some make a hole at the end of their rulers to fix the point by that hole & move the ruler about. Others lay down a ruler across the panel, then on this laid—down ruler they set the tip of another ruler, which, attached to the former by way of a screw, moves about & reaches as far as necessary without losing the point. The ruler and compass without the judgement of the eye cause errors. Perspective is very difficult.
at left middle margin
To paint perspective in oil, you ought not to use a ruler, for you would smudge everything. But when layering your colors you need to keep to the & follow the lines of your first drawing.
Also, to make plumb lines, which go from the top to make vif to the bottom of the panel, you need to have a thread with some piece of lead attached to one end & a little hook to the other for hanging the said thread from the top of the panel.
To draw & layer the colors, especially in oil, you need to hold your panel as upright as you can on the easel, for if it is slanted there is a danger that some dust & dirt might stick on it. Keep clean & without dust the place where you paint.