[TOC] | [diplomatic]

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The heating

Figure Figure For a furnace for melting a large quantity of metal

Curing dogs from mange

Give them a pill of precipitate, that is to say 3, 4, or up to 5 grains, mixed with their food. Having given them one for one week, give them another seven or eight days later.

Excellent mustard

Dry some bread in an oven, then stick cloves & cinnamon into it and put it to soak in good wine. Then, being well crushed, pass everything through a cloth strainer and incorporate it with your mustard seeds.

Keeping birds and animals

Take a measurement from the part of their body that is fleshy and more susceptible to decay, with some canvas that you shall cut according to their size and width. Having filled this with cotton and stitched it, skin them. But leave the head, neck, wings and feet of birds, and head, legs, feet and tail of animals, because those dry easily. Then use that skin to dress the mold made of canvas. Small ones can be dried in an oven or covered in sel ammoniac and (?).