For teeth
Sal ammoniac i ℥, rock salt 1 ℥, alum half ℥. Make water with the cornue, and no matter how little of it you touch the tooth with, the tartar and blackness will go away. It is true that it has a bad odor, but you can mix it with rose honey and a little clove oil or cinnamon oil.
Antimony oil
It yellows quite strongly, even silver, if you put it on it once heated.
Against falling sickness or dizziness
Wear, hung to your collar, some root of paeonia which has been plucked when the moon is waning.
Those from Bayonne, which seem to be made of grés are better, for they last, without comparison, longer than others. And because they are not very thick, one wastes less charcoal melting gold & silver, for they heat quickly. They do not absorb as much silver as much as the others, & for this reason, there is not much laveures to be found in them. They are less likely to fall over as others that have a flat foot.
Against diarrhea and dysentery
Against diarrhea, it is good to use preserve of symphytum, also known as consolida maior. And if it is against dysentery, you can rub the temples, the hollow of the hands, and the sole of the feet with wax oil and take a drop of two of it with a spoonful of broth. The root of consolida maior, crushed and put between pieces cuts in a piece of beef, then boiled, rejoins them, as it is said.