Pounced design for scratching satin
After you have pounced with flour or ground chalk, in order that the dots of the pounced design are not erased, follow the trace with glair beaten with the milk or bark of a fig tree, which will immediately make it clear up like water, & without becoming thick, it will keep the trace that you will follow again & scratch with d a piece of glass or a pen—knife.
Canvas for painting in oil without breaking
In order that your oil painting be not broken or ruined when being bent, make your layer with honey oil, a bit of oil, & water, & flour.
Painting inoil on taffetawhich
In order that the oil shall not run, make your first layer with honey, water of alum, & starch water.
Sand for casting
The main thing is to grind it well on the marble, & that it be impalpable & mixed with a little calcined alabaster.
For tinseling a picture
Follow the lines with lake ground with olive oil, which will not dry.
White varnish on plaster
Give two or three coats glue quite white for painting. Next, varnish with varnish of sandarac, spike lavender oil, and a little mastic. And in the evening put it into a vessel, all well—ground together, without fire, which would turn it yellow. Then with a pinceau, it is dry immediately. Pour the oil, which will have taken the substance.