The mould of earth is reheated until sometimes it becomes red hot, for otherwise the metal would spatter & would not do anything good. And similarly, the noyau on the inside should be very reheated, & mixed with charcoal powder.
Wax for seal and imprint
For the large wax seals, one needs to have tepid water always ready & apre to keep your wax in it. But before, it should have been kneaded between your hands to render it very even, for otherwise the water that would get in between would prevent it from coming together. Next you will imprint whatever you want and put three or four pieces of paper on, & with a stick you even & round like a pestle, you will roll it as if you wanted to polish it, and it will attach itself to the paper, which will help you lift it off the mold. Thus you will imprint better than if you dripped it molten. You can carve the figures & gild them, silver them, & paint them with colors in varnish, & transfer them onto a base of glass painted with colors in turpentine & mastic. And if you want to apply these plates by inlaying, do it with gum ammoniac mixed with vinegar, and you will have good glue.
Casting in plaster
Melt some wax, & with a large brush, coat the relief of which you want to have the cavity, as if you wanted to paint it. And a light crust upon which qu will be formed, upon which you will cast you plaster, to give it body and strength. Next, in the wax cavity, you will also cast your plaster in order to have your relief, & it will come out very easily, thanks to the wax. This is done more often for large pieces in high relief than for others.