The metal whitens the more it is melted, because the tin does not go away but rather mixes in more. And, by holding it a long time in the fire, the filth is eaten away, which makes it brittle. If you want to chase away the tin from the copper, after it is well hot, throw in saltpeter often. This only & not the fire separates it, & purifies it, & eats the filth away. The metal is cast very neatly. The copper is prone to swell, but because it is soft, it can be fixed with a hammer.
Medicine for the stomach which warms it stomach and unstops the liver
Have some wormwood powder, dissolve it in some capilli veneris syrup or preserves, and make an opiate that you will take once a week on a piece of bread dipped in wine. Then you will be able to drink a bit of fully dipped wine. This clears the phlegm and gas which come from there. You can take six pepper grains, and grate their rinds so they are smooth, and swallow them without chewing them. This heals the stomach without warming the liver.
Leaves for the gemstones
Once made, one ought not to keep them in any case of iron or metal, for this stains them, but in some box of
For preventing candles from dripping and making them candles white
Once they have been made, put in a mould some fresh water whipped with some bran, which should by no means be purged again of its flour, so that the water is white. And dip your candles in this. Then leave them to dry. And do so thusly two or three times.