To make it seem to someone that he has a piece of silver on his forehead
Take a token or a piece of silver and wet it and hold it against your forehead. Then, say to your assistant that if you put it thus on his forehead, he would not be able to make it fall without using his hands, no matter how he shakes his head and, making it seem as if you are placing it the coin on his forehead, keep it in your hand and wet your thumb with your saliva and press it quite strongly on his forehead and, thinking he has the piece on his forehead as a result of the coolness of the saliva, he will shake his head and will be able to do anything.
For making blood or wine appear on someone’s forehead or on a wall
Take a pipe or funnel of white iron which is double—walled in the body but not at the tip. At the top edge, make a small hole and another slightly bigger on the inner wall that will be a bit higher than the tip, just as you can see in the opposing example. Then when you want to use it, put in wine or liquid rosette of Brazilwood or black cherry juice, and blocking the hole at the bottom tip with your little finger, make sure that the pipe is well—filled so that the wine can enter inside the double wall through the hole at the edge, and if it does not flow inside well, act as if you are tasting the wine, sip and draw in a little air through the little hole. After, make a spectating neighbor drink the rest of the wine or throw it out or leave it to flow through the end, but before that, you must have pressed your thumb well against the hole on the top edge, because in this way, by the compression of air, the wine will be held inside the double wall. Then with a dagger dulled at the tip, pretend that you pierce the forehead of a person who holds a glass in his hand, and while you pierce, you conceal your act with the pipe that you hold close to
at left bottom margin
# his forehead, then removing your thumb from on top of the hole on the edge near the top, the air, being free, will make the wine flow out from the double wall through the hole marked B, and fall through the tip marked C into the glass. But you must bend the head of the spectator well in order to do it properly.