@For making millas
You must have some millet soaked in order to remove the chaff and then clean it well. Next you must grind it again quite finely and pass through a cloth sieve. One must soak the flour with fresh melted butter and some milk so that it is very light, like the pastry to make beignets, and add egg yolk depending on the amount of flour, so that there are two egg yolks for each millas. Then you will put in some saffron if you want to give them a little colour.
Afterwards you must have some molds, which must be made from terracotta, in the shape of the bottom of the catholic hat, but it must be open at both ends. And then, having made a good fire, clean where you want to put your millas and then take your molds and grease them very well so that the pastry does not stick to them when baked. Once you have done that, put your molds in a place in the oven where you clean and sprinkle a bit of flour on the bottom and fill them with some of the aforementioned pastry. Then you will cover the said molds, with a lid made like the mold, but it must be bigger and not open at the top. Then once done, you will put some straw on the said lid and a lot of hot charcoal, and set a fire around it, once done, you will open up one of them after a bit of time and will see when it is baked, it will be hard.
Glass from Lorraine is smoother & more even than plate glass and it is sturdier & more durable. But commonly it is stained by veins, in straight lines as if tanned, which happens because the glassmakers, having made it, put it when totally hot on straw, which stains it in this way. However, this is removed with varnish & salt & other drugs that the glaziers put in. Glass from Lorraine is sold by lien & each lien is composed of three tablets. The lien costs usually x sous. Plate glass sold in is made in France, it is whiter & clearer, but alternately it is not so durable as that from Lorraine. It is also commonly blown & in that case, it is better to make little diamonds rather than large square pieces in the shape of the frame, because they are not able to seat themselves very evenly.
at left bottom margin
Plate glass is sold by paniers. Every panier contains 24 plates that are commonly sold at x or twelve lb.