Mathematical figures without ruler or compass
You know how to draw a circle correctly with the quill & or else with the nail of your right thumb & the bent big finger. If you do not have a ruler, fold paper in two five or six times to use it. And if you want to draw a column, arch, oval, escutcheon correctly without a compass, fold your paper such that the fold e gives you a straight line, at the required distance from which, trace a point & a or a line & saturate it well with ink. Then fold again the paper & rub it on the back & it will stamp however much you have made. In that way la l, A is the line without ink which the paper fold gives you, B is the line you have traced, C is the one which is stamped.
PFor writing as well from the left as from the right
Write as best you can with well—gummed ink on as many little cards as you want to write words. & once each letter is well saturated with ink, put it down on your paper & rub with a tooth the back of the card.
They used to mount them with a leather handle or pocket, the best one being of cat pelt which is more padded than any other else. And then they started to fold the handle from one side and then they kept folding it and turning it on itself and in that way enema runs slowly, but this manner takes more time and is less easy than a syringe which has been discovered since then with which a man can give to himself an enema. It is true that it always gives wind at the end.