passing through so well. But for this effect, choose raw silk yellow and natural because it is stronger and rejects flour as horsehair does.
To know the good azurite ash for oil
The one that piles up in small clods and is lumpy is the best because it is the most subtle. Also the one that is also very pale in color, because oil darkens it. Certain sophisticators mix them, but you will know this if you pour some onto a piece of paper & lay it flat & smudge it with the finger since, if it is mixed, it will be found variegated & as if with pale & darker stripes, but if it is unmixed it will be even & of one color.
Whitening of pearls
When they have been applied in embroidery on some garment, they are greasy & are cleaned in soapy water.
That which is from the head of the toad and has the shape of the toad, painted naturally as you have seen, is the most excellent. It is held that if one puts the powder made from it on a brazier in someone’s chamber at night, they will be unable to move, speak, or stop thieves.
It is said that if one calls a snake in Greek, saying ΟΦΗ ΟΦΗ, it will flee. Likewise, if one nom calls a swine in Greek, y ïon, it will come.
Candlemakers never make good candles when the autan wind blows because they always melt, however good is the tallow they use.