Color of damascene steel on knives
Rub the steel with common aquafortis, mixing the said water with earth & next rub the whole with ashes or sand. & the goldwill touch & the silver as on a touchstone.
Getting rid of red eyes or black eyes
Make two small licks of raw mutton flesh, and with a blindfold, apply it at night on your eyes.
For coating with or mat
There is nothing better than the black varnish of sword—makers to make a ground layer because it dries immediately & makes the gold appear very beautiful.
For diamond points for engraving
These are for tracing what you want to draw on stones & engrave, & when these points are fatty & cannot bite, one needs to rub them diamond against diamond. One rubs them with diamond pumice stone powder. One needs also to unpolish on a lead wheel either the stone or the glass on which you want to engrave, for the polish, which is like varnish on glass, prevents the diamond or sapphire from biting well. But This is why it does not bite easily on the hoof, which is polished & fatty. But when the polish is taken off, it bites easily.
Polishing a copper wheel
Instead of polishing your stone, it is necessary to remove the grease by rubbing the flesh side of a piece of leather on the wheel, all while spinning the wheel if you have not worked on it in a long time.