They completely melt orpiment in a glass bottle on very hot ashes, but it would be more appropriate to sublimate orpiment in a long—necked matrass as for making garnets. The orpiment thus turns red like red enamel & one needs to grind it damp because once completely melted it is very lively & difficult to grind. Next, you can br thin it, once dry, with oil & it will make a deep yellow of heightened color. But to prevent orpiment from dying with the other colors & to render it compatible with these & to make it dry promptly, it is a most rare secret to calcine common salt & to grind it within. Green verditer is not used with oil.
The order that merchants are accustomed to keep in their books, which are the waste book, the sales book, and the ledger, also called the account book.
Waste book
First, François du Cros owes from 2 September 1581, for 1 canne of batiste at 8 livres per canne, total —— 8 livres tournois
at left middle margin
Moved to the sales book at r. 25/
François du Cros owes from 2 September 1581, for 1 canne of batiste at 8 livres per canne, as shown by the waste book at r. 25
at left middle margin
Moved to the account book at r. 55/
François du Cros owes from 2 September 1581, for the merchandise taken by himself, as specified in detail in the sales book, No. 7, at r. 55, the sum of 8 livres, of which the aforesaid du Cros has made a bill on the aforesaid day, to be payed on Saint Andrew’s day next, total —— 8 … r.