Practica, cioè nova inventione di contegiare, stampata in Brescia per Vincenzo Sabio.
Emeralds of Brissac
I have taken minium, 26 ℥, crystal and ground on marble 12 ℥, verdet 3 |ʒ|. Incorporate all together, put in a crucible covered by another well luted that has a hole in the top. Fusion 7 hours without blowing. The mass has been of a beautiful green.
I have taken minium 12 ℥, crystal 6 ℥, verdet 2 grains. Fusion soft vi hours, cooked again 24 hours. The mass has been of green, yellow, & red.
Pebbles or crystal 8 ℥, minium 16 ℥, blacksmith’s salt 4 ℥, sparkling coryal 4 grains. Fusion 6 hours.